Open Citation Project
JISC/DNER DLI Synthesis meeting, May 2001, Bath
A joint NSF - JISC
International Digital Libraries
We can build dynamic digital archives now: EPrints

EPrints - an interface for author submissions

EPrints is:

  • Software to enable you to set up your own archive
  • Open Archives-compliant
  • Free
EPrints can be used at the departmental, insitutional or organisational level. OAi interoperability will enable archives large and small to cooperate in a  comprehensive dynamic digital archive, giving all authors the impact of our physics colleagues, and providing users with open access to rich data sources and innovative services such as reference linking.
 Copies of these slides will be found at 
The Open Citation Project
Web site
Look for Papers and Presentations

Contact: Steve Hitchcock

 Hitchcock and Jiao, Enhancing the Dynamics of Large-Scale E-print Archives